- peer/core.yaml
gomaxprocs, keepalive, gossip, authentication, client, deliveryclient
# Setting for runtime.GOMAXPROCS(n). If n < 1, it does not change the
# current setting
gomaxprocs: -1
# MinInterval is the minimum permitted time between client pings.
# If clients send pings more frequently, the peer server will
# disconnect them
minInterval: 60s
# Client keepalive settings for communicating with other peer nodes
# Interval is the time between pings to peer nodes. This must
# greater than or equal to the minInterval specified by peer
# nodes
interval: 60s
# Timeout is the duration the client waits for a response from
# peer nodes before closing the connection
timeout: 20s
# DeliveryClient keepalive settings for communication with ordering
# nodes.
# Interval is the time between pings to ordering nodes. This must
# greater than or equal to the minInterval specified by ordering
# nodes.
interval: 60s
# Timeout is the duration the client waits for a response from
# ordering nodes before closing the connection
timeout: 20s
# Interval for membershipTracker polling
membershipTrackerInterval: 5s
# Overrides the endpoint that the peer publishes to peers
# in its organization. For peers in foreign organizations
# see 'externalEndpoint'
# Maximum count of blocks stored in memory
maxBlockCountToStore: 100
# Max time between consecutive message pushes(unit: millisecond)
maxPropagationBurstLatency: 10ms
# Max number of messages stored until a push is triggered to remote peers
maxPropagationBurstSize: 10
# Number of times a message is pushed to remote peers
propagateIterations: 1
# Number of peers selected to push messages to
propagatePeerNum: 3
# Determines frequency of pull phases(unit: second)
# Must be greater than digestWaitTime + responseWaitTime
pullInterval: 4s
# Number of peers to pull from
pullPeerNum: 3
# Determines frequency of pulling state info messages from peers(unit: second)
requestStateInfoInterval: 4s
# Determines frequency of pushing state info messages to peers(unit: second)
publishStateInfoInterval: 4s
# Maximum time a stateInfo message is kept until expired
# Time from startup certificates are included in Alive messages(unit: second)
publishCertPeriod: 10s
# Should we skip verifying block messages or not (currently not in use)
skipBlockVerification: false
# Dial timeout(unit: second)
dialTimeout: 3s
# Connection timeout(unit: second)
connTimeout: 2s
# Buffer size of received messages
recvBuffSize: 20
# Buffer size of sending messages
sendBuffSize: 200
# Time to wait before pull engine processes incoming digests (unit: second)
# Should be slightly smaller than requestWaitTime
digestWaitTime: 1s
# Time to wait before pull engine removes incoming nonce (unit: milliseconds)
# Should be slightly bigger than digestWaitTime
requestWaitTime: 1500ms
# Time to wait before pull engine ends pull (unit: second)
responseWaitTime: 2s
# Alive check interval(unit: second)
aliveTimeInterval: 5s
# Alive expiration timeout(unit: second)
aliveExpirationTimeout: 25s
# Reconnect interval(unit: second)
reconnectInterval: 25s
# This is an endpoint that is published to peers outside of the organization.
# If this isn't set, the peer will not be known to other organizations.
# Leader election service configuration
# Longest time peer waits for stable membership during leader election startup (unit: second)
startupGracePeriod: 15s
# Interval gossip membership samples to check its stability (unit: second)
membershipSampleInterval: 1s
# Time passes since last declaration message before peer decides to perform leader election (unit: second)
leaderAliveThreshold: 10s
# Time between peer sends propose message and declares itself as a leader (sends declaration message) (unit: second)
leaderElectionDuration: 5
# the acceptable difference between the current server time and the
# client's time as specified in a client request message
timewindow: 15m
orderer/orderer.yaml Cluster, Keepalive
# Keepalive settings for the GRPC server.
# Disconnect the client if the time between pings is less than the specified time
ServerMinInterval: 60s
# Server pings the clients on open connection with the specified time between pings
ServerInterval: 7200s
# Server expects the clients to respond to pings. Server disconnets if response not receieved within timeout
ServerTimeout: 20s
configtx.yaml BatchTimeout, BatchSize
# Batch Timeout: The amount of time to wait before creating a batch
BatchTimeout: 2s
# Batch Size: Controls the number of messages batched into a block
MaxMessageCount: 10
AbsoluteMaxBytes: 98 MB
PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB