import ""
Package azure Microsoft Azure Blob Storage VFS Implementation
Rely on
func UseFs() error {
fs := backend.Backend(azure.Scheme)
Or call directly:
import ""
func DoSomething() {
fs := azure.NewFileSystem()
azure can be augmented with the following implementation-specific methods. Backend returns vfs.FileSystem interface so it would have to be cast as azure.FileSystem to use the following:
func DoSomething() {
// cast if fs was created using backend.Backend(). Not necessary if created directly from azure.NewFileSystem().
fs = fs.(azure.FileSystem)
// to pass in client options
fs = fs.WithOptions(
AccountName: "...",
AccountKey: "...
// to pass specific client, for instance mock client
client, _ := azure.NewClient(MockAzureClient{...})
fs = fs.WithClient(client)
Authentication, by default, occurs automatically when Client() is called. It looks for credentials in the following places, preferring the first location found:
- When the ENV vars
, authentication is performed using an OAuth Token Authenticator. This will allow access to containers from multiple storage accounts. - The ENV vars
, a shared key authenticator is used. This will allow access to any containers owned by the designated storage account. - If none of the above are present, then no credentials are used and only publicly accessible blobs will be available
const Name = "azure"
Name defines the name for the azure implementation
const Scheme = "https"
Scheme defines the scheme for the azure implementation
func IsValidURI(u *url.URL) bool
IsValidURI us a utility function used by vfssimple to determine if the given URI is a valid Azure URI
func ParsePath(p string) (host, pth string, err error)
ParsePath is a utility function used by vfssimple to separate the host from the path. The first parameter returned is the host and the second parameter is the path.
type BlobProperties struct {
// Size holds the size of the blob.
Size uint64
// LastModified holds the last modified time.Time
LastModified *time.Time
// Metadata holds the Azure metadata
Metadata map[string]string
BlobProperties holds a subset of information returned by Blob.GetProperties(..)
func NewBlobProperties(azureProps *azblob.BlobGetPropertiesResponse) *BlobProperties
NewBlobProperties creates a new BlobProperties from an azblob.BlobGetPropertiesResponse
type Client interface {
// Properties should return a BlobProperties struct for the blob specified by locationURI, and filePath. If the
// blob is not found an error should be returned.
Properties(locationURI, filePath string) (*BlobProperties, error)
// SetMetadata should add the metadata specified by the parameter metadata for the blob specified by the parameter
// file.
SetMetadata(file vfs.File, metadata map[string]string) error
// Upload should create or update the blob specified by the file parameter with the contents of the content
// parameter
Upload(file vfs.File, content io.ReadSeeker) error
// Download should return a reader for the blob specified by the file parameter
Download(file vfs.File) (io.ReadCloser, error)
// Copy should copy the file specified by srcFile to the file specified by tgtFile
Copy(srcFile vfs.File, tgtFile vfs.File) error
// List should return a listing for the specified location. Listings should include the full path for the file.
List(l vfs.Location) ([]string, error)
// Delete should delete the file specified by the parameter file.
Delete(file vfs.File) error
The Client interface contains methods that perform specific operations to Azure Blob Storage. This interface is here so we can write mocks over the actual functionality.
type DefaultClient struct {
DefaultClient is the main implementation that actually makes the calls to Azure Blob Storage
func NewClient(options *Options) (*DefaultClient, error)
NewClient initializes a new DefaultClient
func (a *DefaultClient) Copy(srcFile, tgtFile vfs.File) error
Copy copies srcFile to the destination tgtFile within Azure Blob Storage. Note that in the case where we get encoded spaces in the file name (i.e. %20) the '%' must be encoded or the copy command will return a not found error.
func (a *DefaultClient) Delete(file vfs.File) error
Delete deletes the given file from Azure Blob Storage.
func (a *DefaultClient) Delete(file vfs.File) error
Deletes the file blob using Azure's delete blob api, then each version of the blob is deleted using Azure's delete api. NOTE that if soft deletion is enabled for the blobs in the storage account, each version will be marked as deleted and will get permanently deleted by Azure as per the soft deletion policy. Returns any error returned by the API.
func (a *DefaultClient) Download(file vfs.File) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Download returns an io.ReadCloser for the given vfs.File
func (a *DefaultClient) List(l vfs.Location) ([]string, error)
List will return a listing of the contents of the given location. Each item in the list will contain the full key as specified by the azure blob (including the virtual 'path').
func (a *DefaultClient) Properties(containerURI, filePath string) (*BlobProperties, error)
Properties fetches the properties for the blob specified by the parameters containerURI and filePath
func (a *DefaultClient) SetMetadata(file vfs.File, metadata map[string]string) error
SetMetadata sets the given metadata for the blob
func (a *DefaultClient) Upload(file vfs.File, content io.ReadSeeker) error
Upload uploads a new file to Azure Blob Storage
func DefaultTokenCredentialFactory(tenantID, clientID, clientSecret string) (azblob.TokenCredential, error)
DefaultTokenCredentialFactory knows how to make azcore.TokenCredential structs for OAuth authentication
type File struct {
File implements the vfs.File interface for Azure Blob Storage
func (f *File) Close() error
Close cleans up all of the backing data structures used for reading/writing files. This includes, closing the temp file, uploading the contents of the temp file to Azure Blob Storage (if necessary), and calling Seek(0, 0).
func (f *File) CopyToFile(file vfs.File) error
CopyToFile puts the contents of the receiver (f *File) into the passed vfs.File parameter.
func (f *File) CopyToLocation(location vfs.Location) (vfs.File, error)
CopyToLocation creates a copy of *File, using the file's current name as the new file's name at the given location. If the given location is also azure, the azure API for copying files will be utilized, otherwise, standard io.Copy will be done to the new file.
func (f *File) Delete(opts ...options.DeleteOption) error
Deletes the file using Azure's delete blob api. If opts is of type delete.AllVersions, after deleting the blob, each version of the blob is deleted using Azure's delete api. NOTE that if soft deletion is enabled for the blobs, each version will be marked as deleted and will get permanently deleted by Azure as per the soft deletion policy. Returns any error returned by the API.
func (f *File) Exists() (bool, error)
Exists returns true/false if the file exists/does not exist on Azure
func (f *File) LastModified() (*time.Time, error)
LastModified returns the last modified time as a time.Time
func (f *File) Location() vfs.Location
Location returns a Location instance for the files current location
func (f *File) MoveToFile(file vfs.File) error
MoveToFile copies the receiver to the specified file and deletes the original file.
func (f *File) MoveToLocation(location vfs.Location) (vfs.File, error)
MoveToLocation copies the receiver to the passed location. After the copy succeeds, the original is deleted.
func (f *File) Name() string
Name returns the name of the file
func (f *File) Path() string
Path returns full path with leading slash.
func (f *File) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
Read implements the io.Reader interface. For this to work with Azure Blob Storage, a temporary local copy of the file is created and read operations are performed against that. The temp file is closed and flushed to Azure when f.Close() is called.
func (f *File) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)
Seek implements the io.Seeker interface. For this to work with Azure Blob Storage, a temporary local copy of the file is created and operations are performed against that. The temp file is closed and flushed to Azure when f.Close() is called.
func (f *File) Size() (uint64, error)
Size returns the size of the blob
func (f *File) String() string
String returns the file URI
func (f *File) Touch() error
Touch creates a zero-length file on the vfs.File if no File exists. If the file exists, Touch updates the file's last modified parameter.
func (f *File) URI() string
URI returns a full Azure URI for the file
func (f *File) Write(p []byte) (int, error)
Write implements the io.Writer interface. Writes are performed against a temporary local file. The temp file is closed and flushed to Azure with f.Close() is called.
type FileSystem struct {
FileSystem implements the vfs.FileSystem interface for Azure Blob Storage
func NewFileSystem() *FileSystem
NewFileSystem creates a new default FileSystem. This will set the options options.AccountName and options.AccountKey with the env variables AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY respectively.
func (fs *FileSystem) Client() (Client, error)
Client returns a Client to perform operations against Azure Blob Storage
func (fs *FileSystem) Host() string
Host returns the host portion of the URI. For azure this consists of <account_name>
func (fs *FileSystem) Name() string
Name returns "azure"
func (fs *FileSystem) NewFile(volume, absFilePath string, opts ...options.NewFileOption) (vfs.File, error)
NewFile returns the azure implementation of vfs.File
func (fs *FileSystem) NewLocation(volume, absLocPath string) (vfs.Location, error)
NewLocation returns the azure implementation of vfs.Location
func (fs *FileSystem) Retry() vfs.Retry
Retry returns the default retry function. This is overridable via the WithOptions function.
func (fs *FileSystem) Scheme() string
Scheme returns "https" as the initial part of the URI i.e. https://..
func (fs *FileSystem) WithClient(client Client) *FileSystem
WithClient allows the caller to specify a specific client to be used
func (fs *FileSystem) WithOptions(opts vfs.Options) *FileSystem
WithOptions allows the caller to override the default options
type Location struct {
Location is the azure implementation of vfs.Location
func (l *Location) ChangeDir(relLocPath string) error
ChangeDir changes the current location's path to the new, relative path.
func (l *Location) ContainerURL() string
ContainerURL returns the URL for the Azure Blob Storage container.
func (l *Location) DeleteFile(relFilePath string) error
DeleteFile deletes the file at the given path, relative to the current location.
func (l *Location) Exists() (bool, error)
Exists returns true if the file exists and false. In the case of errors false is always returned along with the error
func (l *Location) FileSystem() vfs.FileSystem
FileSystem returns the azure FileSystem instance
func (l *Location) List() ([]string, error)
List returns a list of base names for the given location.
func (l *Location) ListByPrefix(prefix string) ([]string, error)
ListByPrefix returns a list of base names that contain the given prefix
func (l *Location) ListByRegex(regex *regexp.Regexp) ([]string, error)
ListByRegex returns a list of base names that match the given regular expression
func (l *Location) NewFile(relFilePath string, opts ...options.NewFileOption) (vfs.File, error)
NewFile returns a new file instance at the given path, relative to the current location.
func (l *Location) NewLocation(relLocPath string) (vfs.Location, error)
NewLocation creates a new location instance relative to the current location's path.
func (l *Location) Path() string
Path returns the absolute path for the Location
func (l *Location) String() string
String returns the URI
func (l *Location) URI() string
URI returns a URI string for the azure location.
func (l *Location) Volume() string
Volume returns the azure container. Azure containers are equivalent to AWS Buckets
type MockAzureClient struct {
PropertiesError error
PropertiesResult *BlobProperties
ExpectedError error
ExpectedResult interface{}
MockAzureClient is a mock implementation of azure.Client.
func (a *MockAzureClient) Copy(srcFile, tgtFile vfs.File) error
Copy returns the value of ExpectedError
func (a *MockAzureClient) Delete(file vfs.File) error
Delete returns the value of ExpectedError
func (a *MockAzureClient) Download(file vfs.File) (io.ReadCloser, error)
Download returns ExpectedResult if it exists, otherwise it returns ExpectedError
func (a *MockAzureClient) List(l vfs.Location) ([]string, error)
List returns the value of ExpectedResult if it exists, otherwise it returns ExpectedError.
func (a *MockAzureClient) Properties(locationURI, filePath string) (*BlobProperties, error)
Properties returns a PropertiesResult if it exists, otherwise it will return the value of PropertiesError
func (a *MockAzureClient) SetMetadata(file vfs.File, metadata map[string]string) error
SetMetadata returns the value of ExpectedError
func (a *MockAzureClient) Upload(file vfs.File, content io.ReadSeeker) error
Upload returns the value of ExpectedError
func MockTokenCredentialFactory(_, _, _ string) (azblob.TokenCredential, error)
MockTokenCredentialFactory knows how to create a "do-nothing" credential used for unit testing
type Options struct {
// AccountName holds the Azure Blob Storage account name for authentication. This field is required for all
// authentication types.
AccountName string
// AccountKey holds the Azure Blob Storage account key for authentication. This field is used for shared key
// authentication.
AccountKey string
// TenantID holds the Azure Service Account tenant id for authentication. This field is used for OAuth token
// based authentication.
TenantID string
// ClientID holds the Azure Service Account client id for authentication. This field is used for OAuth token
// based authentication.
ClientID string
// ClientSecret holds the Azure Service Account client secret for authentication. This field is used for OAuth token
// based authentication.
ClientSecret string
// RetryFunc holds the retry function
RetryFunc vfs.Retry
Options contains options necessary for the azure vfs implementation
func NewOptions() *Options
NewOptions creates a new Options struct by populating values from environment variables.
Env Vars:
func (o *Options) Credential() (azcore.TokenCredential, error)
Credential returns an azcore.TokenCredential interface based on how options are configured. Options are checked and evaluated in the following order:
1. If TenantID, ClientID, and ClientSecret are non-empty, return azcore.TokenCredential. This form of authentication
is used with service accounts and can be used to access containers across multiple storage accounts.
2. If AccountName, and AccountKey are non-empty, return azblob.SharedKeyCredential. This form or authentication
is used with storage accounts and only provides access to a single storage account.
3. Returns a nil credential. This allows access only to public blobs.
type TokenCredentialFactory func(tenantID, clientID, clientSecret string) (azcore.TokenCredential, error)
TokenCredentialFactory creates azure.TokenCredentials. This function is provided to allow for mocking in unit tests.