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Experimenting with Reinforcement Learning and Deep Q Learning

This was a way for me to understand the mechanics of RL and DQL, using OpenAI's custom gym environment.

This is still a Work In Progress.

Project route switched to learning-neural-networks-from-scratch


While learning the fundamentals of Q Learning, I referred to DeepLizard's Tutorial

This environment was inspired by Sentdex's Reinforcement Learning Tutorial with a minor modifications to fit OpenAI's environment

An overview of utilizing OpenAI's custom environment, I toke reference to Cheesy AI's Tutorial


Following Sentdex's environment, it consists:

  • A black background, initialized by the following class in
# irrelevant code taken out to highlight the key point
# rest of the code will be avaliable in the files itself
class Game():
    def __init__(self):
        self.SIZE = 10
        self.env = np.zeros((self.SIZE,self.SIZE,3), dtype=np.uint8)
   def view(self):
        self.env[self.agent.y][self.agent.x] = self.COLOURS[self.AGENT_C]
        self.env[self.goal.y][self.goal.x] = self.COLOURS[self.GOAL_C]
        self.env[self.enemy.y][self.enemy.x] = self.COLOURS[self.ENEMY_C]

        # OpenCV's library to convert the zeroes to their respective colour
        # resizing the image for better view
        # and display
        img = Image.fromarray(self.env, "RGB")

  • Zeroes represent the RGB colour code of black of the multidimensional array
  • 3 represents the colour channels of RGB
  • OpenCV's library was used to represent the zeroes to their colour

The colour coding of the Agent, Goal, and Enemy:

        # initialized in the __init__ constructor
        self.AGENT_C = 1
        self.ENEMY_C = 2
        self.GOAL_C = 3
        self.COLOURS = {
        1: (255, 255, 255), # agent white
        2: (255, 0, 0),  # enemy red
        3: (0, 0, 255)  # goal blue
        # in the view() function
        # assigning the x,y coordinates of the classes to predefined colours
        self.env[self.agent.y][self.agent.x] = self.COLOURS[self.AGENT_C]
        self.env[self.goal.y][self.goal.x] = self.COLOURS[self.GOAL_C]
        self.env[self.enemy.y][self.enemy.x] = self.COLOURS[self.ENEMY_C]

States and Actions

  • The Agent is allowed to have the following actions: (up,down,left,right)
  • State or Observation space is represented by the distance between the: (agent - goal, agent - enemy)

The possible actions the agent can take:

# in
# still work in progress
    def observe(self):       
        # based on distance of player - food, player - enemy 
        # observation space of (x1,y1)(x2,y2) 
        # distance between (player - goal)(player - enemy)
        observation = {}         
        for x1 in range(self.SIZE - 1):
            for y1 in range(self.SIZE - 1):
                 for x2 in range(self.SIZE - 1):                     
                    for y2 in range(self.SIZE - 1):                        
                        observation[((x1, y1),(x2, y2))] = self.obs                    
        return tuple(observation)


Evaluating the agents action:

      # set in
      self.REWARD = 10
      self.ENEMY_PENALTY = 1000
      self.MOVE_PENALTY = 1
   def evaluate(self):
        # total amount of rewards, will be appended in the
        self.current_reward = 0
        if self.agent.x == self.enemy.x and self.agent.y == self.enemy.y:
            self.current_reward = -self.ENEMY_PENALTY   
        elif self.agent.y == self.goal.x and self.agent.y == self.goal.y:
            self.current_reward = self.REWARD 
            self.current_reward = -self.MOVE_PENALTY        
        return self.current_reward

Completing the episode

The game will finish once the x,y coordinates of the agent meets the enemy or goal

    def is_done(self):
        if (self.agent.x == self.enemy.x and self.agent.y == self.enemy.y) or (self.agent.x == self.goal.x and self.agent.y == self.goal.y):
            return True
            return False

This will be passed through the step() function in

Custom Environment Setup

While referring to Cheesy AI's video for setup, to keep the main environment ( simplistic while implementing the game itself: OpenAI's functions of (step, reset, render, and close)

class CustomEnv(gym.Env):
  metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}

  def __init__(self): = Game()

    # all possible actions and environment data
    # 4: up, down, left, right
    self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4)        
    self.observation_space = spaces.Box(np.zeros(9), np.zeros(9), dtype=np.uint8)

  def step(self, action):
    # Execute one time step within the environment
    reward =
    obs =
    done =
    return obs, reward, done, {}

  def reset(self):
    # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state
    del = Game()
    obs =
    return obs

  def render(self, mode='human'):
    # Render the environment to the screen

  def close(self):

Utilizing Q-Learning

The common pattern I see coding the algorithm is to note the hyperparameters:

    env = gym.make("foo-v0")

    num_episodes = 100 
    max_steps_per_episode = 50
    learning_rate = 0.1  
    # immediate and future rewards consideration
    # values between 0 - 1
    # where the agent will care more about the immediate reward over future rewards
    # in this case, the agent will take mostly of immediate rewards while considering future rewards
    discount_rate = 0.99
    # known as epsilon
    # starting state state to 1
    # meaning the agent will explore the environment first
    # later on the learning rate will decrease once the agent understands its surroundings
    # meaning it will exploit the values recorded in the table (q_table)
    exploration_rate = 1
    max_exploration_rate = 1
    min_exploration_rate = 0.01
    # how much to decay 
    exploration_decay_rate = 0.001

The Q-table storing the values of each state and action pairs, where the agent chooses based on the state that it's in:

    # still work in progress 
    q_table = np.zeros([env.observation_space.shape[0], env.action_space.n])

The algorithm for Q-learning:

    rewards_all_episodes = []
    for episode in range(num_episodes):
        print(f"starting game {episode}")
        state = env.reset()
        rewards_current_episode = 0
        done = False        
        # exploitation and exploration trade-off
        for step in range(max_steps_per_episode):
            exploration_rate_threshold = random.uniform(0,1)
            # exploit
            if exploration_rate_threshold > exploration_rate:
                action = np.argmax(q_table[state,:])
                # explore
                action = env.action_space.sample()

            # where will start evaluating 
            new_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

            # using the bellman equation
            # matching to the right hand side
            q_table[state,action] = q_table[state,action] * (1 - learning_rate) + learning_rate * (reward + discount_rate * np.max(q_table[new_state, :]))

            # monitoring new states
            state = new_state
            rewards_current_episode += reward

            if done == True:

        exploration_rate = min_exploration_rate + (max_exploration_rate + min_exploration_rate) * np.exp(-exploration_decay_rate*episode)



  • Perhaps tuning the hyperparameters or training more would successive have the agent reach the reward, as it mostly hits the enemy.


My learning experience for Q-Learning has sparked some curiosity on some practical applications.

However Deep-Q-Learning would be the best way as the Q-table won't be as flooded and computationally heavy

As there are still some things to fix and learn, I will continue to move forward to Deep-Q-Learning