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Preview: Github | Gitee | UNPKG | Githack | Statically

Github Ranking

Github 中国用户排名,全球仓库 Star 最多排名,通过 Github API v3 来生成页面数据,排行榜预览,最近还添加了 SegmentFault 思否近期热门开发者头条最近热门分享36Kr 快讯预览

2019年04月20日npm 上发版,版本号以 来定义,如: v19.4.20

现在每天可以自动更新了,利用 GitHub Actions Workflows 通过定时器,每天 00:00 (北京时间早上8:00) 触发 GitHub 的工作流,自动爬数据,将生成的 web 页面提交到 gh-pages 分支,并且自动发布 npm 版本,真香!!


npm install @wcj/github-rank --save-dev

使用可以通过引入数据,来获取排名数据,也可以通过 UNPKG 直接访问用户排行榜

import users from '@wcj/github-rank';
import repos from '@wcj/github-rank/dist/repos.json';
import trendingDaily from '@wcj/github-rank/dist/trending-daily.json';
import trendingWeekly from '@wcj/github-rank/dist/trending-weekly.json';
import trendingMonthly from '@wcj/github-rank/dist/trending-monthly.json';
import users from '@wcj/github-rank';

// 默认 users 输出如下数据:
    "login": "jaywcjlove",
    "id": 1680273,
    "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE2ODAyNzM=",
    "avatar_url": "",
    "gravatar_id": "",
    "url": "",
    "html_url": "",
    "followers_url": "",
    "following_url": "{/other_user}",
    "gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
    "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
    "subscriptions_url": "",
    "organizations_url": "",
    "repos_url": "",
    "events_url": "{/privacy}",
    "received_events_url": "",
    "type": "User",
    "site_admin": false,
    "score": 1,
    "rank": 117,
    "name": "小弟调调™",
    "company": "ʕ•̫͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʕ•͓͡•ʔ-̫͡-ʔ",
    "blog": "",
    "location": "Shanghai, China",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "hireable": true,
    "bio": "(͡·̮̃·̃) 撸码的乐趣 💯 ,“人没了,™代码还在”",
    "public_repos": 78,
    "public_gists": 1,
    "followers": 2519,
    "following": 91,
    "created_at": "2012-04-26T00:30:25Z",
    "updated_at": "2019-04-12T14:27:54Z"


# 获取 Github (中国/全球)用户排行榜(Top 500)
npm run get

# Github 用户获取中途失败,接着获取剩余用户信息
npm run get:users:info

# 获取 Github 趋势榜,Github 仓库排行(Top 500), sifou,36kr,toutiao 的数据
npm run get:o