Episode 02 - Igniting our App
In your existing project
initialize npm
into your repo
install react
and react-dom
remove CDN
links of react
install parcel
ignite your app
with parcel
add scripts for “start”
and “build”
with parcel commands
add .gitignore
add browserlists
build a production version
of your code using parcel build
/* index.css */
body {
background-color : # d4d1d1 ;
display : flex;
justify-content : center;
align-items : center;
height : 100vh ;
width : 100% ;
# parent {
width : fit-content;
border : 1px solid red;
padding : 0px 20px ;
h1 {
color : purple;
font-size : 2rem ;
// App.js
// # Namaste React 🚀
# Parcel
- Dev Build
- Local Server
- HMR = Hot Module Replacement
- File Watching Algorithm - written in C++
- Caching - Faster Builds
- Image Optimization
- Minification
- Bundling
- Compress
- Consistent Hashing
- Code Splitting
- Differential Bundling - support older browsers
- Diagnostic
- Error Handling
- Tree Shaking - remove unused code
- Different dev and prod bundles
import React from "react" ;
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client" ;
const child1 = React . createElement ( "div" , { id : "child1" } , [
React . createElement ( "h1" , { } , "This is Namaste React 🚀" ) ,
React . createElement ( "h2" , { } , "by Akshay Saini" ) ,
] ) ;
const child2 = React . createElement ( "div" , { id : "child2" } , [
React . createElement ( "h1" , { } , "I am an h1 tag" ) ,
React . createElement ( "h2" , { } , "I am an h2 tag" ) ,
] ) ;
const parent = React . createElement (
"div" ,
id : "parent"
} ,
[ child1 , child2 ]
) ;
// console.log(parent); // object
// create root using createRoot
const root = ReactDOM . createRoot ( document . getElementById ( "root" ) ) ;
// passing react element inside root
root . render ( parent ) ;