This SDK allows partners to quote for their customers without reaching RemessaOnline SaaS.
Direction = 'INBOUND' | 'OUTBOUND'
CurrencyISO = 'USD' | 'BRL' | 'EUR' | 'AUD' | 'CHF'
Quote = {
id: string, //uuid
direction: string, // Direction
purpose: string, // Purpose
baseCurrencyISO: string, // CurrencyISO
quotedCurrencyISO: string, // CurrencyISO
exchangeRate: number,
LocalQuote = {
id: string, //uuid
direction: string,
purpose: string,
baseCurrencyISO: string,
quotedCurrencyISO: string,
amount: number,
totalBaseAmount: number,
exchangeRate: number,
tax: number,
calculate(quote: Quote, amount:number) :LocalQuote
import {quoteCalculator} from '@beetech/partner-sdk'
const quote = {
id: '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000',
direction: 'OUTBOUND',
purpose: 'CRYPTO',
baseCurrencyISO: 'USD',
quotedCurrencyISO: 'BRL',
exchangeRate: 5.4,
const amount = 10000;
const localQuote = quoteCalculator.calculate(quote, amount)
A currency pair is defined by two ordered ISO-4217 (three letters) currencies: BASE/QUOTED.
- The outbound case USD / BRL means we want to buy our base (USD) using, quoting by or selling (BRL).
- The inbound case BRL / USD means we want to buy our base (BRL) using, quoting by or selling (USD).
IOF tax rate is set at 0.38% of the value in BRL.
const IOF = 0.0038;
In the direct flow, the value of USD is known and the BRL value needs to be found.
const totalAmount = (amount * exchangeRate) * (1 + tax);
return totalAmount;
In the inverse flow, the value of BRL is known and the value in USD needs to be found.
const totalAmount = (amount / (1 + tax)) / exchangeRate;
return totalAmount;
IOF tax rate is set at 0% of the value.
const IOF = 0.0038;
In the direct flow, the value of BRL is known and the value in USD must be found.
const totalAmount = (amount / exchangeRate) * (1 + tax);
return totalAmount;
In the inverse flow, the value of USD is known and the value in BRL needs to be found.
const totalAmount = (exchangeRate * totalAmount) * (1 - tax);
return totalAmount;
After calculating the USD value it is necessary to find the new exchange-rate
How to calculate the exchange-rate
const spread = 0.005;
const bankFee = 0;
const fixedTaxAmount = 0;
const totalPercentualTax = 0.0038;
const totalReadjustedTax = 0;
const spreadPrecision = 1 - spread;
const marketRate = (amount + bankFee + fixedTaxAmount) /
(totalQuotedAmount * spreadPrecision * (1 - totalPercentualTax - totalReadjustedTax));
const exchangeRate = marketRate * spreadPrecision;
return exchangeRate;
- Amounts have two decimal places.
- Rates have six decimal places.
- Rounding rule is ROUND_HALF_EVEN.
- Rounding is only done right before attributions.