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Sakurajimai#6742 edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Mai Bot isn't designed to be self-hosted, though people have been forking the repository anyway. So here are the details you need to know in order to run the bot properly.


1. Installing Node.js

To use discord.js (Mai Bot uses Discord.js to interact with the Discord API), you'll need to install Node.js.

If you do have Node installed, but have an older version (i.e. anything below 12.0), you should upgrade to the latest version. Discord.js v12 requires Node 12.0 or higher.

2. Get the project Locally

Run the following commands to get the project locally

git clone # or clone your own fork
cd Mai
npm install
npm build

3. Create a new .env file in the root directory of the project with the following properties:


This is also present on .env_example file on the root directory of the project
TOKEN should be the bot token obtained from Discord's developer panel.
MONGO should be your mongo DB password, if you want to use the MONGO Database. You can use the bot without this too, but you won't be able to use commands that rely on Mongo DB.

4. Start the bot

You can start the bot by typing in npm start in the commandline.

Using the Discord.js Client Settings/Parameters

Using the client structure extended from the discord.js client constructor, pass the Discord.js Client Settings under the variable clientSettings.

//index.js file
//require the extended client constructor
const Client = require('./struct/Client);

//instantiate the new client
const client = new Client({
 //pass in client settings treating it as djs clientOptions
 clientSettings: {
  messageCacheMaxSize: 300

Hosting Client Settings

Because Mai bot is not designed to be hosted by others, default values for the Client Constructor are not set, which means you need to set them all individually, or the bot will fail to start.

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
bootTimeStart Number Sets the Timestamp when the bot started booting up
collections Array <String> Create new collections to be used in the bot. Names in the array will be the collection name. Can be accessed via struct/PersonalizedCollections
commandgroups Array <String> Set the command groups to be included by the bot. Must be identical to folder names inside the commands folder. Excluded folder names will not be loaded. Setting to empty array means no command will be loaded.
chatbot Boolean Enable/Disable the chatbot functionality
enableDatabase Boolean Enable/Disable the connection to Database (Will affect database-reliant commands/services)
mongoPassword String Set the mongo Password. You can also change your connector URI here
mongoSettings Object <Mongo Settings> Set the Mongo's Connection parameter (if Database is enabled)
owners Array <User ID> User IDs that can use the owner-only commands
prefix String Default bot prefix
token String The Discord Bot Token, grabbed from the Discord Developer Portal
uploadchannel String <Channel ID> The channel where bot uploads will be made (for clear and eval commands). This has to be accessible by the bot.
//index.js file
//grab the timestamp at this point
const start =

//require the extended client constructor
const Client = require('./struct/Client);

//instantiate the new client
const client = new Client({
 bootTimeStart: start,
 collections: [
 commandgroups: [
 chatbot: true,
 enableDatabase: true,
 mongoPassword: process.env.MONGO,
 mongoSettings: {
  useUnifiedTopology : true,
  family: 4
 owners: ['6728456231067891001'],
 prefix: 'm!',
 token: process.env.TOKEN,
 uploadchannel: '6728456221068912001'

Changing the Mongo connector URI

If you have your own uri, you can change your mongo connector by going to struct/Mongoose.js and edit the connector variable

//replace the value of this variable inside the mongo constructor

this.connector: //your connector URI

// do not change anything inside this file if you don't know what each variable means and functions as.

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