Within the shared Sitka_templates Spruce libraries can find the Spruce Annual Statistics - New folder which contains the templates needed to run your annual statistics for Manitoba PLSB.
This folder can be found in the Evergreen reporter under Shared Folders → Templates → Sitka Templates → Custom Templates → Spruce → Spruce Annual Statistics - New.
Information on using Evergreen’s reporter can be found in Section V. Reports in Sitka’s Evergreen Documentation.
Clone the templates into your own folders.
Run the reports. Multi-branch libraries should run the reports separately for each branch.
As needed, total the data returned in the report output before entering it in the annual statistics portal.
An active patron is defined as a patron who has circulated within the last three years.
Use this template to get a count of your total active patrons.
Report Filters:
Checkout Date/Time = 2020-01-01 - 2022-12-31 (for 2022 annual statistics)
Checkout/Renewal Library = your library/your library branch
Use this template to get a count of your active non resident patrons broken down by municipality.
Report Filters:
Checkout Date/Time = 2020-01-01 - 2022-12-31 (for 2022 annual statistics)
Checkout/Renewal Library = your library/your library branch
Stat Cat ID = Municipality (or your library’s equivalent)
Permission Group → Group ID - this filter is hardcoded to include the patron profiles PL Non Resident - Adult and PL Non Resident - Juvenile
This template will only work if you use the patron profiles PL Non Resident - Adult and PL Non Resident - Juvenile AND record municipality as a statistical category. Co-op Support is working with Manitoba PLSB to have this data collected consistently for future years. |
If you do not currently collect this data in Evergreen you will leave it blank in the annual statistics.
The statistics you are able to collect will depend the data you have in Evergreen. For example, for Media/Format - Video you may have shelving locations specific to DVDs or you may use circulation modifiers for dvd.
Use this template to gather the statistics for # of Items for Readership Level, Media/Format, Languages.
Report Filters:
Circulating Library = your library/your library branch
For Media/Format - Digital - # of Items contact your e-resource vendors. |
Co-op Support recommends making a note of which shelving locations and circulation modifiers you count for the different categories so that you use the same ones when reporting your circulation statistics.
Most libraries will use a combination of shelving locations and circulation modifiers to identify and count their circulations for different categories.
Use this template to gather the statistics for Total Circulation for Readership Level, Media/Format, Languages based on circulation modifier.
Report Filters:
Checkout/Renewal Library = your library/your library branch
Checkout Date/Time = 2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31 (for 2022 annual statistics)
Use this template to gather the statistics for Total Circulation for Readership Level, Media/Format, Languages based on shelving location.
Report Filters:
Checkout/Renewal Library = your library/your library branch
Checkout Date/Time = 2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31 (for 2022 annual statistics)
Circulation - By Non Resident Patron Profile, Shelving Location, and Circ Modifier : Circ stats within Time Span
Use this template to gather statistics for NR Circulation for Readership Level, Media/Format, Languages. Only circulations by patrons with non resident profiles will display on this report. Both shelving location and circulation modifier are included in the output.
Report Filters:
Checkout/Renewal Library = your library/your library branch
Checkout Date/Time = 2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31 (for 2022 annual statistics)
Permission Group → Group ID - this filter is hardcoded to include the patron profiles PL Non Resident - Adult and PL Non Resident - Juvenile
This template will only work if you use the patron profiles PL Non Resident - Adult and PL Non Resident - Juvenile. |