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On-Boarding for VM Insights - Private Preview

For any questions, to give feedback, or to have your workspace white-listed for the VM Insights Private Preview:

This readme gives steps on how to On-Board to VM Insights using scripts and ARM templates.

To access VM Insights in Azure Monitor and the VM blade, go to You can on-board for a single VM from the VM blade under the "Insights" item in the table of contents. The instructions below are for on-boarding at scale.

We can organize setup steps as follows:

Supported Log Analytics Workspace Regions

Important! Only Log Analytics Workspaces in following regions are supported:

  • West Central US
  • East US
  • Southeast Asia (Health not supported yet)
  • West Europe (Health not supported yet)

Supported VM Operating Systems

OS Version Performance Maps Health
Windows Server 2016 X X X
Windows Server 2012R2 X X
Windows 2012, 2008 R2 SP1 X X
RHEL 6, 7 X X X
Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 X X X
Cent OS Linux 6, 7 X X X
Oracle Linux 6 X X X
Oracle Linux 7 X X
Debian 8, 9.4 X X

Log Analytics Workspace setup

If you have already configured a single VM for VM Insights through UI experience, then these steps will already have been taken care of for you and you can move on to enabling for more VM's.

Summary of steps:

  • Create a Log Analytics workspace in a supported region
  • Install the ServiceMap and InfrastructureInsights Solutions
  • Configure the workspace to collect performance counters
  • Configure the subscription to onboard to Health

Create a Log Analytics workspace in a supported region

See Log Analytics Documentation: Create a Log Analytics workspace in the Azure portal

Reminder, VM Insights Supported Workspace regions

Install the ServiceMap and InfrastructureInsights Solutions

We have provided an ARM template InstallSolutionsForVMInsights.json that will deploy the ServiceMap and InfrastructureInsights solutions to your Log Analytics workspace.

You can find information on how to deploy ARM templates here Example of deploying with PowerShell:

New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name DeploySolutions -TemplateFile InstallSolutionsForVMInsights.json -ResourceGroupName <workspace resource group name> -WorkspaceName <workspace name> -WorkspaceLocation <workspace location- example: eastus>

You can also deploy directly from Azure Portal using this link

Configure the workspace to collect performance counters

Compute Performance provides summarized and per-resource views of key metrics for on-prem VMs, Azure VMs, VM Scale Sets, and cloud services.

It is recommended you run Enable-VMInsightsPerfCounters.ps1 to configure your Log Analytics Workspace to collect the required counters. To quickly download the powershell to your local filesystem, run following:

$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient

Enable-VMInsightsPerfCounters.ps1 takes two parameters

    -WorkspaceName <String>
        Name of Log Analytics Workspace to configure

    -WorkspaceResourceGroupName <String>
        Resource Group the Log Analytics Workspace is in


.\Enable-VMInsightsPerfCounters.ps1 -WorkspaceName <Name of Workspace> -WorkspaceResourceGroupName <Workspace Resource Group>

Below is a list of Performance Counters that are configured to be collected: Note: the collection interval for any newly added configuration is set to 60 seconds


Object Name Instance Name Counter Name
LogicalDisk * % Free Space
LogicalDisk * Avg. Disk sec/Read
LogicalDisk * Avg. Disk sec/Transfer
LogicalDisk * Avg. Disk sec/Write
LogicalDisk * Disk Bytes/sec
LogicalDisk * Disk Read Bytes/sec
LogicalDisk * Disk Reads/sec
LogicalDisk * Disk Transfers/sec
LogicalDisk * Disk Write Bytes/sec
LogicalDisk * Disk Writes/sec
LogicalDisk * Free Megabytes
Memory * Available MBytes
Network Adapter * Bytes Received/sec
Network Adapter * Bytes Sent/sec
Processor _Total % Processor Time


Object Name Instance Name Counter Name
Logical Disk * % Used Space
Logical Disk * Disk Read Bytes/sec
Logical Disk * Disk Reads/sec
Logical Disk * Disk Transfers/sec
Logical Disk * Disk Write Bytes/sec
Logical Disk * Disk Writes/sec
Logical Disk * Free Megabytes
Logical Disk * Logical Disk Bytes/sec
Memory * Available MBytes Memory
Network * Total Bytes Received
Network * Total Bytes Transmitted
Processor * % Processor Time

For more info on Log Analytics Performance Counters, see:

Per VM and VM Scale Set setup

On each VM or VM Scale Set the following is needed

  • Log Analytics VM Extension pointing to a workspace in a supported region
  • Dependency Agent VM Extension

For the private preview we are providing a script Install-VMInsights.ps1 to accomplish this.

To quickly download the powershell to your local filesystem, run following:

$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient

This script will iterate through VM's and VM Scale sets in a Subcription, or further scoped by ResourceGroup or Name. For each VM or VM ScaleSet it will check the currently installed VM extensions and install if needed.

This script requires Azure PowerShell, you can find instructions to install for Windows at Install Azure PowerShell

You can run Get-Help to get details and an example of usage:

Get-Help .\Install-VMInsights.ps1 -Detailed

    This script installs VM extensions for Log Analytics and Dependency Agent as needed for VM Insights.

    D:\GitHub\OnBoardVMInsights\Install-VMInsights.ps1 [-WorkspaceId] <String> [-WorkspaceKey] <String> [-SubscriptionId] <String> [[-ResourceGroup]
    <String>] [[-Name] <String>] [[-PolicyAssignmentName] <String>] [-ReInstall] [-TriggerVmssManualVMUpdate] [-Approve] [-WorkspaceRegion] <String>
    [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

    This script installs or re-configures following on VM's and VM Scale Sets:
    - Log Analytics VM Extension configured to supplied Log Analytics Workspace
    - Dependency Agent VM Extension

    Can be applied to:
    - Subscription
    - Resource Group in a Subscription
    - Specific VM/VM Scale Set
    - Compliance results of a policy for a VM or VM Extension

    Script will show you list of VM's/VM Scale Sets that will apply to and let you confirm to continue.
    Use -Approve switch to run without prompting, if all required parameters are provided.

    If the extensions are already installed will not install again.
    Use -ReInstall switch if you need to for example update the workspace.

    Use -WhatIf if you would like to see what would happen in terms of installs, what workspace configured to, and status of the extension.

    -WorkspaceId <String>
        Log Analytics WorkspaceID (GUID) for the data to be sent to

    -WorkspaceKey <String>
        Log Analytics Workspace primary or secondary key

    -SubscriptionId <String>
        SubscriptionId for the VMs/VM Scale Sets
        If using PolicyAssignmentName parameter, subscription that VM's are in

    -ResourceGroup <String>
        <Optional> Resource Group to which the VMs or VM Scale Sets belong to

    -Name <String>
        <Optional> To install to a single VM/VM Scale Set

    -PolicyAssignmentName <String>
        <Optional> Take the input VM's to operate on as the Compliance results from this Assignment
        If specified will only take from this source.

    -ReInstall [<SwitchParameter>]
        <Optional> If VM/VM Scale Set is already configured for a different workspace, set this to change to the new workspace

    -TriggerVmssManualVMUpdate [<SwitchParameter>]
        <Optional> Set this flag to trigger update of VM instances in a scale set whose upgrade policy is set to Manual

    -Approve [<SwitchParameter>]
        <Optional> Gives the approval for the installation to start with no confirmation prompt for the listed VM's/VM Scale Sets

    -WorkspaceRegion <String>
        Region the Log Analytics Workspace is in
        Suported values: "East US","eastus","Southeast Asia","southeastasia","West Central US","westcentralus","West Europe","westeurope"
        For Health supported is: "East US","eastus","West Central US","westcentralus"

    -WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]
        <Optional> See what would happen in terms of installs.
        If extension is already installed will show what workspace is currently configured, and status of the VM extension

    -Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]
        <Optional> Confirm every action

        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
        about_CommonParameters (https:/

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
    .\Install-VMInsights.ps1 -WorkspaceRegion eastus -WorkspaceId <WorkspaceId>-WorkspaceKey <WorkspaceKey> -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId>
    -ResourceGroup <ResourceGroup>

    Install for all VM's in a Resource Group in a subscription

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
    .\Install-VMInsights.ps1 -WorkspaceRegion eastus -WorkspaceId <WorkspaceId>-WorkspaceKey <WorkspaceKey> -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId>
    -ResourceGroup <ResourceGroup> -ReInstall

    Specify to ReInstall extensions even if already installed, for example to update to a different workspace

    -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
    .\Install-VMInsights.ps1 -WorkspaceRegion eastus -WorkspaceId <WorkspaceId>-WorkspaceKey <WorkspaceKey> -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId>
    -PolicyAssignmentName a4f79f8ce891455198c08736 -ReInstall

    Specify to use a PolicyAssignmentName for source, and to ReInstall (move to a new workspace)

Example of running:

$WorkspaceId = "<GUID>"
$WorkspaceKey = "<Key>"
$SubscriptionId = "<GUID>"
.\Install-VMInsights.ps1 -WorkspaceId $WorkspaceId -WorkspaceKey $WorkspaceKey -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -WorkspaceRegion eastus

Getting list of VM's or VM ScaleSets matching criteria specified

VM's or VM ScaleSets matching criteria:

db-ws-1 VM running
db-ws2012 VM running

This operation will install the Log Analytics and Dependency Agent extensions on above 2 VM's or VM Scale Sets.
VM's in a non-running state will be skipped.
Extension will not be re-installed if already installed. Use -ReInstall if desired, for example to update workspace

[Y] Yes  [N] No  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y

db-ws-1 : Deploying DependencyAgentWindows with name DAExtension
db-ws-1 : Successfully deployed DependencyAgentWindows
db-ws-1 : Deploying MicrosoftMonitoringAgent with name MMAExtension
db-ws-1 : Successfully deployed MicrosoftMonitoringAgent
db-ws2012 : Deploying DependencyAgentWindows with name DAExtension
db-ws2012 : Successfully deployed DependencyAgentWindows
db-ws2012 : Deploying MicrosoftMonitoringAgent with name MMAExtension
db-ws2012 : Successfully deployed MicrosoftMonitoringAgent


Already Onboarded: (0)

Succeeded: (4)
db-ws-1 : Successfully deployed DependencyAgentWindows
db-ws-1 : Successfully deployed MicrosoftMonitoringAgent
db-ws2012 : Successfully deployed DependencyAgentWindows
db-ws2012 : Successfully deployed MicrosoftMonitoringAgent

Connected to different workspace: (0)

Not running - start VM to configure: (0)

Failed: (0)

Onboarding a PaaS v1 Cloud Service to VM Insights

  1. Get workspace id and workspace key which will be used in the following steps
  2. Edit the ServiceDefinition.csdef file of your cloud service and add the following two settings:
      <Setting name="WorkspaceId" />
      <Setting name="WorkspaceKey" />
  1. Add install-mma-and-da.cmd and install-mma-and-da.ps1 to your project. The files, as provided, assume that they will be placed at the root of the Cloud Service project. If you wish to relocate them you must update the provided install-mma-and-da.cmd file and the snippet shown below in step 6.
  2. Add a startup task to you ServiceDefinition.csdef to execute install-mma-and-da.cmd with the correct arguments:
      <Task commandLine="install-mma-and-da.cmd" executionContext="elevated" taskType="simple">
          <Variable name="IsEmulated">
            <RoleInstanceValue xpath="/RoleEnvironment/Deployment/@emulated" />
          <Variable name="WorkspaceId">
            <RoleInstanceValue xpath="/RoleEnvironment/CurrentInstance/ConfigurationSettings/ConfigurationSetting[@name='WorkspaceId']/@value" />
          <Variable name="WorkspaceKey">
            <RoleInstanceValue xpath="/RoleEnvironment/CurrentInstance/ConfigurationSettings/ConfigurationSetting[@name='WorkspaceKey']/@value" />
  1. Update the cscfg file(s) supplying values for these settings
  2. Build and deploy your service