This example assumes you have previously completed the following examples:
- Create an Azure Resource Group
- Create an Azure Container Registry
- Create an 'acrpull' Service Principal
- Push a WildFly Docker image to Azure Container Registry
To deploy WildFly use the following command line:
export ACI_WILDFLY=aci-wildfly-$RANDOM
az container create \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--name $ACI_WILDFLY \
--registry-login-server $ \
--registry-username $ACR_PULL_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID \
--dns-name-label $ACI_WILDFLY \
--ports 8080
echo `az container show \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--name $ACI_WILDFLY \
--query ipAddress.fqdn \
--output tsv`:8080
Then open your browser to the URL echoed above and you should see:
And this is served by a custom WildFly using a Docker image coming from our
own Azure Container Registry.
Do NOT forget to remove the resources once you are done running the example.