This document was created to record information found while this project was a proof of concept. The notes can serve as a reference to note the technology being used, any issues that may have arrived during research & any customization to the code that Visual Studio generates when creating a Blazor Server project.
During development, the application was deployed using Azure DevOps. Information about the pipelines can be found here
- Official Instructions
- Installed BlazorStrap NuGet Package
- Modified Startup.cs to add the "AddBootstrapCss" to the DI container
- Used this example to modify _Host.cshtml
- Removed the project geneated reference to Bootstrap.css in _Host.cshtml
- Created MainLayout.razor.cs (as opposed to putting it in MainLayout.razor) and add this code.
- Remove the wwwroot/css/bootstrap.min.css file that was created by default when the Blazor project was created
- Download here
- Create a folder under wwwroot/css/fontawesome and place all.min.css in this directory
- Reference all.min.css in _Host.cshtml
- webfonts folder should go in wwwroot/css folder as this is where all.min.css will look for it
- Download the JavaScript & CSS file here
- Place files in a directory in wwwroot
- Reference the files in _Host.cshtml
- Read this blog to understand Blazor and PrimJS
- Add the following to Index.razor.cs
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
await _jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("Prism.highlightAll");
- For Copy to work, it must be https