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Releases: AustEcon/bitsv

BitSV 0.11.5

23 Jan 12:16
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  • Update to newer domain with version 2 of the API c/o xloem and kcentrifugal

BitSV 0.11.4

23 Jan 12:15
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  • Update README.rst -> for better rendering on pypi

BitSV 0.11.3

23 Jan 12:15
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  • fix PrivateKey.prepare_transaction method

BitSV 0.11.2

23 Jan 12:13
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BitSV 0.11.1

09 Apr 22:30
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  • 0.11.1 Fixed an off-by-one bug for generating pushdata op_codes for data-carrier 'op_return' txs - c/o @gitzhou.

BitSV 0.11.0

15 Feb 07:03
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  • Added WhatsOnChain API for mainnet and testnet
  • Unspent data type: removed 'script' (scriptpubkey) attribute (unavailable from WhatsOnChain and APIs and is unused in the codebase).
  • Transaction, TxOutput, TxInput data types: removed unnecessary 'cruft' like 'amount_in', 'amount_out' and 'fee' (also to facilitate use of WhatsOnChain etc. and reduce maintenance overheads).
  • MatterCloud now activated via 'MATTERCLOUD_API_KEY' environment variable which makes it the highest priority API in the list for main, test, stn. Otherwise WhatsOnChain is used by default.

BitSV 0.10.4

13 Feb 09:10
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BitSV 0.10.3

31 Jan 09:03
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BitSV 0.10.2

28 Nov 08:08
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  • Fixed broken API endpoint for foreign currency conversions.

BitSV 0.10.1

24 Nov 00:32
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0.10.1 (2019-11-24)

  • Added new Fullnode class for connecting to local bitcoin node via JSON-RPC (thanks goes to for the initial legwork).
  • Fullnode class works for Mainnet, Testnet, Scaling-testnet and RegTest (local mock blockchain).
  • Reordered outputs to always have 'false return' metadata included in the first output instead of the last. This will fix a new issue that arose with rendering of images etc. on
  • Prepend OP_FALSE to OP_RETURN in preparation for Genesis upgrade coming in February.
  • Add 'sweep' function to PrivateKey class for sending all coins to a given address.
  • 0.10.1 includes a patch for rpc methods list