In order to access the various options as shown in the image for bindhosts magisk/KSU/Apatch, you must first have su access via command line either through termux (or other various common terminal apps) or adb shell and type: bindhosts followed by the option you want.
bindhosts --action ---> This will simulate bindhosts action to grab ips or reset the hosts file, depending on which state bindhosts is in
bindhosts --tcpdump ---> Will sniff current active ip addresses on your network mode (wifi or data, make sure no DNS services are being used like cloudflare, etc.)
bindhosts --force-reset ---> Will force reset bindhosts, which means resets the host file to zero ips
bindhosts --custom-cron ---> Defines time of day to run a cronjob for bindhosts
bindhosts --enable-cron ---> Enables cronjob task for bindhosts to update the ips of the lists you are currently using at 10am (default time)
bindhosts --disable-cron ---> Disables & deletes previously set cronjob task for bindhosts
bindhosts --help ---> This will show everything as shown above in image and text
press action to toggle update and reset
add your custom rules, sources, whitelist or blacklist