It is very easy to use teswiz in your framework. Follow these steps:
- Setup the prerequisites mentioned below []
- Using your favorite IDE (I use IntelliJ Idea Community Edition), create a new Java-Gradle project
- Copy build.gradle.sample file to your newly created project's root folder and rename it to build.gradle
- Create capabilities.json in some folder - ex: ./caps - refer to src/test/resources/com/znsio/e2e/features/android/caps/theapp_local_capabilities.json
- Create in some folder - ex: ./configs and provide default values - refer to src/test/resources/com/znsio/e2e/features/android/configs/
- Update the run task in build.gradle with appropriate values for, pathToStepDef, pathToFeaturesDir, pathToLogProperties
- Refer to the Running the tests section
- Minimum JDK version: 11
- Set JAVA_HOME environment variable
- You can install JDK from here:
- Setup the Android environment for test execution:
- Set ANDROID_HOME environment variable
- Refer to this post for instructions how to automatically setup your environment -
- Additional References:
- Setup Android Command-line tools and SDK -
- Install appium -
- Appium Desktop App is a great way to identify locators, and the recorder is quite helpful to quickly identify multiple locators for your tests - You can also use Katalon Studio for locator identification (especially helpful for Windows platform)
- To verify appium installation is successful, run
- it should not report any errors - To install reportportal on local machine, refer to (Docker setup is the easiest way to proceed).