The file has the following properties. Highlighting the defaults, and options for each here.
These can be overridden by providing the same either as environment variables or system properties.
# ATD properties
RUNNER=distribute -> ATD property. We will always use distributed
FRAMEWORK=cucumber -> ATD property. We will always use cucumber
RUNNER_LEVEL=methods -> ATD property. We will always use methods
CAPS=./caps/capabilities.json -> Path to capabilties.json file
# teswiz configuration properties. Can be overridden using environment variables or system properties
APP_NAME=teswiz -> Name of your application
APP_PACKAGE_NAME=io.cloudgrey.the_app -> android app package name
APP_PATH=./temp/abc.apk -> path to android / windows app name
APPLITOOLS_CONFIGURATION=./configs/applitools_config.json -> Applitools configuration
BASE_URL_FOR_WEB=BASE_URL -> Key name of the property in TEST_DATA_FILE for environment specific base url
BRANCH_NAME -> Key name of environment variable which should be used to get the current Branch name.
IF this is not specified, then teswiz will try to get the BRANCH_NAME using this command: `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
BROWSER=chrome -> Which browser to use for Web execution? Supported: chrome || firefox
Browsers should to be installed. Corresponding WebDriver for the browser will be downloaded automatically
BUILD_ID=BUILDID -> The key name of the environment variable that has the corresponding build id of the test execution
CLEANUP_DEVICE_BEFORE_STARTING_EXECUTION=true -> Uninstall app from local Android devices before starting test execution
CLOUD_KEY=<auth / api key> for pCloudy / Headspin
CLOUD_USER=<username / email> for pCloudy -> Not required for Headspin
CLOUD_NAME=headspin|pCloudy -> REQUIRED when running against pCloudy / Headspin
CLOUD_UPLOAD_APP=false -> Upload the app to pCloudy / headspin before running the tests
CLOUD_USE_PROXY=true -> If we need proxy for connecting to the cloud device farm using the curl command. Default: false
CLOUD_USE_LOCAL_TESTING=false -> If we want to enable local testing (currently only in BrowserStack) -
DEVICE_LAB_URL=<root url for device farm>
ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_FILE=./src/test/resources/environments.json -> Environment specific configuration file
IS_VISUAL=false -> Should enable Applitools Visual Testing? If yes, set to true
LOG_DIR=target -> Where should logs be created?
LOG_PROPERTIES_FILE=./src/test/resources/ -> log4j configuration file
MAX_NUMBER_OF_APPIUM_DRIVERS -> The max number of drivers on cloud to create for multiuser android tests, default value is 5
MAX_NUMBER_OF_WEB_DRIVERS -> The max number of web drivers on cloud to create for multiuser web tests, default value is 5
PLATFORM=android -> Run tests against? Supported: android | iOS | windows | web
PARALLEL=1 -> How many tests should be run in parallel?
PROXY_KEY=HTTP_PROXY -> If proxy should be set, what is the environment variable specifying the proxy?
PROXY_URL=<proxy_url> -> What is the proxy url to be used if PROXY_KEY is set
WEBDRIVER_MANAGER_PROXY_KEY=HTTP_PROXY -> If proxy should be used for WebDriverManager, what is the environment variable specifying the proxy?
WEBDRIVER_MANAGER_PROXY_URL=<proxy_url> -> What is the proxy url to be used for WebDriverManager if WEBDRIVER_MANAGER_PROXY_KEY is set
REMOTE_WEBDRIVER_GRID_PORT=<environment variable name which holds the port to be used for RemoteWebDriver>
REPORT_PORTAL_FILE=./src/test/resources/ -> configuration
RUN_IN_CI=false -> Are tests running in CI?
TARGET_ENVIRONMENT=prod -> Which environment are the tests running against? Should map to envrionments specified in ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_FILE
TEST_DATA_FILE=./src/test/resources/testData.json -> Environment specific static test data
BROWSER_CONFIG_FILE=./src/test/resources/com/znsio/e2e/features/configs/browser_config.json -> json containing browser configurations