- Create Namespaces
$ kubectl create namespace prow
$ kubectl create namespace test-pods
# non-mandetory, used for the grafana dashboard
$ kubectl create namespace grafana-dashboard
Import the tls certificate from the cert-manager
Deploy the configs:
$ kubectl create configmap config -n prow --from-file=config.yaml=./config/prow/config.yaml -o=yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl create -n prow -f -
$ kubectl create configmap plugins -n prow --from-file=plugins.yaml=./config/prow/plugins.yaml -o=yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl create -n prow -f -
# Dummy configmap to proceed the prow deployment
$ kubectl create configmap job-config -n prow
- Deploy the job configs:
$ ./hack/update-job-config.sh
Deploy the buildfarms configuration - here
Deploy all the required secrets
Note: Maintained in the IBM's internal GHE repository
- Deploy the prow
$ cd cluster
$ kubectl apply -f .
$ kubectl create configmap config -n prow --from-file=config.yaml=config.yaml -o=yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -
$ kubectl create configmap plugins -n prow --from-file=plugins.yaml=plugins.yaml -o=yaml --dry-run | kubectl replace -f -