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File metadata and controls

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Distributed-Video-Stream-Analytics-Platform (DVSAP)

In this project, we are streaming multiple videos using apache kafka and python. Also, we are using mongodb to store urls in our database and pymongo to access urls from database.

Downloading and Installing mongodb

  • Go to, then download and install MongoDB as per the instructions given there.
  • Create a folder named mongodb on your computer and create a subfolder under it named data.
  • Move to the mongodb folder and then start the MongoDB server by typing the following at the prompt:
 mongod --dbpath=data --bind_ip
  • Open another command window and then type the following at the command prompt to start the mongo REPL shell:
  • The Mongo REPL shell will start running and give you a prompt to issue commands to the MongoDB server. At the Mongo REPL prompt, type the following commands one by one and see the resulting behavior:
use video
  • Here I created a database named video,Inside that I am making a collection named user and then we can insert key-value pair inside the collection. In this example ,we will use key = "url" and and value is link.

Installing Docker and Docker compose

If you want to run your kafka and zookeeper on docker, follow these steps to set up docker in your system. Reference. After you install docker and docker compose, you need to make a docker compose file (docker_compose.yml).

Now, to run kafka and zookeeper on your system, open terminal and follow these commands:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

This will start your kafka and zookeeper. Now, as your kafka and zookeeper is up and running, you can execute .yml file to interact with your kafka.

sudo docker exec -it kafka /bin/sh

Now, you are inside docker terminal, go to /opt/kafka

#cd /opt/Kafka/kafka_2.11-1.0.1/

Finally, make kafka topic with required number of partitions. For example,we want to stream 2 videos and our topic is video, then run this command:

# ./bin/ --create --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 2 --topic video

Installing dependencies using pipenv

  • In order to install all the dependecies for our project, go to terminal at location of the project and type:
pip install
  • This will install all the required dependencies in your pip enviroment.
  • In order to enter pip interactive shell, type:
pipenv shell

Running the project

As you are now in pipenv shell, let us first execute our python code. Before running code, make sure your kafka and zookeeper is up and running and you have properly executed docker-compose file. Running producer file:

pipenv run python

Now, as our producer file is running. Running consumer file:

pipenv run python

Getting Results

In the shell, you will get a link. To view our streams, we can do that in 2 ways.

  1. Different streams in different window: For n streams, open n tabs in browser and in each tab, put url as -> link/cam/1, link/cam/2 .... upto link/cam/n.
  2. Different streams in single window: For n streams, open a tab in browser and give it url as -> link/cameras/n