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Menu Bar, Key Bindings, Commands and Info Bar

Alejandro Roldán edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 8 revisions

At the very top of the program we find the menu bar were you can find the key bindings for the program, and at the very opposite side, the very bottom, an info bar.

Page Contents

Menu Bar, Key Bindings and Commands

BatchPynamer-Menu_Bar.png It has four different menus with options and their respective key binds.


In this menu you can find the actions related to the files

Rename Actions

  • Rename: Ctrl+R acts like the "Rename" button in the "Rename Notebook Tab"
  • Undo Rename: Ctrl+Z acts like the "Undo" button in the "Rename Notebook Tab"
  • Reset Entry Fields: Ctrl+T acts like the "Reset" button in the "Rename Notebook Tab"
  • Activate Renaming from Bottom to Top: this is a check option. When you hit "Rename" it will do so starting from the bottom of the list to the top. Useful if one of the renamings otherwise would rename a file to something that is already used by a file after it. This option does nothing when using recursiveness since we already have to rename bottom to top otherwise we would rename a folder before it's contents

Metadata Actions

  • Apply Metadata Changes: acts like the "Apply Meta" button in the "Metadata Notebook Tab"
  • Apply Image Metadata Changes: acts like the "Apply Img" button in the "Metadata Notebook Tab"
  • Apply Both Image and Metadata Changes: acts like the "Apply All" button in the "Metadata Notebook Tab"

Refresh Actions

  • Refresh File View: F5 acts like clicking again in the selected folder in the "Directory Browser"
  • Refresh Focused Node: Ctrl+F5 acts like clicking the "R" button on top of the "Directory Browser"
  • Refresh Full Directory Browser: Ctrl+Shift+F5 acts like double clicking the "R" button on top of the "Directory Browser"


  • Exit: Ctrl+Esc exits the application


  • Select All: Ctrl+A selects all the items in the "File View". This can take a while if you have many many items (like if you used the recursive filter)
  • Deselect All: Ctrl+D deselects all the selected items in the "File View"
  • Invert Selection: Ctrl+I inverts the selection in the "File View"


Before listing the options inside this menu we will talk about how the commands work. A command is nothing more than the states of all the options inside the "Rename Notebook Tab". From this you can save commands to a configuration file, read commands from that same configuration file or delete a saved command.

You can also directly apply a command to the selected items without needing to load it into the fields or lose the configuration that you have at the time. This has the disadvantage that you can't preview how the name will end before applying.

When creating a command apart from all the rename options you can also add a "Previous Step". With this you can create chains of commands if for whatever reason you can't get the result you want in just one go (you need to use some options that are executed later before). So when you directly apply the command it will then continue with the next one in the chain if it has one to do.

The commands are saved in a text file commands.conf inside the user config folder (~/.config/batchpynamer/plugins/ for linux, ~/AppData/Roaming/batchpynamer/plugins/ fow windows and ~/Library/Preferences/batchpynamer/plugins/ for mac). This text file can be edited manually if you so desire.

  • Save Field States to Command: this option opens a new window with:
    • Choose a Name for the New Command: a text field for writing the name (you can only use alphanumeric characters and it must be a name not already in use)
    • Select Previous Step: this is a dropdown with the existing commands. Selecting an option that's not "None" will make this new command the next step in the chain for the previous command
    • Cancel: to cancel and exit the window
    • Save: to save the command and exit the window
  • Load Field States from Command: Ctrl+E loads the selected command to the rename options
  • Apply Selected Command: Ctrl+Y acts like the "Command" button in the "Rename Notebook Tab"
  • Delete Selected Command: deletes the selected command
  • Select Command: opens another menu next to this one with a list of the saved commands and you can select one


Opens your default explorer and takes you to:

Info Bar


At the bottom of the application you can see two bars. This bars are for showing information.

  • Items Bar: this bar shows the number of items in the "File View" and next to it, between parenthesis, the number of selected items
  • Last Action Bar: this bar show information regarding warnings, errors and the last executed action
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