If you want to uninstall JEA profiles or even the managed user included, there are Cmdlets
available for this.
To uninstall JEA profiles and the managed user, you can use Uninstall-IcingaSecurity
. Like the installation counterpart, you can specify a custom user with -IcingaUser
However, users will only be removed if their description matches the Icinga for Windows managed user description.
Uninstall-IcingaSecurity -IcingaUser 'MyOwnIcingaUser';
By default, it will remove the icinga
user including unregistering the JEA profile.
To simply uninstall the JEA profile and leave a possible managed user on the system, you can run Uninstall-IcingaJEAProfile
This will remove the created JEA profile and the JEA catalog for IcingaForWindows
on the system.
To simply remove the test environment of the JEA profile, you can use this command:
Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration -Name 'IcingaForWindowsTest';
This will leave the catalog and the production system itself alone and only removes the test profile.