repair - Repair Sonar rule violations in a targeted project.
repair [-hV] [--max-files-per-segment=<maxFilesPerSegment>] [--max-fixes-per-rule=<maxFixesPerRule>] [--pretty-printing-strategy=<prettyPrintingStrategy>] [--repair-strategy=<repairStrategy>] [--resolve-classpath-from=<resolveClasspathFrom>] --source=<source> [--stats-output-file=<statsOutputFile>] [--target=<target>] (--rule-key=<ruleKey> | --violation-specs=<ruleViolationSpecifiers>[, <ruleViolationSpecifiers>…] [--violation-specs=<ruleViolationSpecifiers>[, <ruleViolationSpecifiers>…]]…)
- -h, --help
Show this help message and exit.
- --max-files-per-segment=<maxFilesPerSegment>
Max number of files per loaded segment for segmented repair. It should be >= 3000 files per segment.
- --max-fixes-per-rule=<maxFixesPerRule>
Max number of fixes per rule.
- --pretty-printing-strategy=<prettyPrintingStrategy>
Mode for pretty printing the source code: 'NORMAL', which means that all source code will be printed and its formatting might change (such as indentation), and 'SNIPER', which means that only statements changed towards the repair of Sonar rule violations will be printed.
- --repair-strategy=<repairStrategy>
Type of repair strategy. DEFAULT - load everything without splitting up the folder in segments, MAVEN - use Maven to locate production source code and the classpath (test source code is ignored), SEGMENT - splitting the folder into smaller segments and repair one segment at a time (need to specify --maxFilesPerSegment if not default)
- --resolve-classpath-from=<resolveClasspathFrom>
Path to the root of a project to resolve the classpath from. Currently only works for Maven projects.
- --rule-key=<ruleKey>
Choose one of the following rule keys:
S1068: Unused "private" fields should be removed
S1118: Utility classes should not have public constructors
(incomplete: Only handles implicit public constructor)
S1132: Strings literals should be placed on the left side when checking for equality
S1155: Collection.isEmpty() should be used to test for emptiness
S1217: "" should not be called directly
S1444: "public static" fields should be constant
(incomplete: does not fix variable naming)
S1481: Unused local variables should be removed
S1596: "Collections.EMPTY_LIST", "EMPTY_MAP", and "EMPTY_SET" should not be used
S1656: Variables should not be self-assigned
S1854: Unused assignments should be removed
S1860: Synchronization should not be based on Strings or boxed primitives
S1948: Fields in a "Serializable" class should either be transient or serializable
S2057: Every class implementing Serializable should declare a static final serialVersionUID.
(incomplete: This processor does not address the case where the class already has a serialVersionUID with a non long type.)
S2095: Resources should be closed
S2097: "equals(Object obj)" should test argument type
S2111: "BigDecimal(double)" should not be used
S2116: "hashCode" and "toString" should not be called on array instances
S2142: "InterruptedException" should not be ignored
S2164: Math should not be performed on floats
(incomplete: does not cast the operands to double when the expected type of the result is float.)
S2167: "compareTo" should not return "Integer.MIN_VALUE"
S2184: Math operands should be cast before assignment
S2204: ".equals()" should not be used to test the values of "Atomic" classes
S2225: "toString()" and "clone()" methods should not return null
(incomplete: does not fix null returning clone())
S2272: "" methods should throw "NoSuchElementException"
S2755: XML parsers should not be vulnerable to XXE attacks
(incomplete: This processor is a WIP and currently supports a subset of rule 2755. See Sorald's documentation for details.)
S3032: JEE applications should not "getClassLoader"
S3067: "getClass" should not be used for synchronization
S3984: Exception should not be created without being thrown
S4065: "ThreadLocal.withInitial" should be preferred
S4973: Strings and Boxed types should be compared using "equals()"
Note: Some rules (e.g. 1444) are marked as "incomplete". This means that Sorald’s repair for a violation of said rule is either partial or situational.
- --source=<source>
The path to the file or folder to be analyzed and possibly repaired.
- --stats-output-file=<statsOutputFile>
Path to a file to store execution statistics in (in JSON format). If left unspecified, Sorald does not gather statistics.
- --target=<target>
The target of this execution (ex. sorald/92d377). This will be included in the json report.
- -V, --version
Print version information and exit.
- --violation-specs=<ruleViolationSpecifiers>[,<ruleViolationSpecifiers>…]
One or more rule violation specifiers. Specifiers can be gathered with the 'mine' command using the --stats-output-file option.