Project #15 of "100 days of SwiftUI" course.
Day 76:
- The check out view in Cupcake Corner uses an image that doesn’t add anything to the UI, so find a way to make the screenreader not read it out.
In Project 10 - CupcakeCorner in the CheckOutView, added the .accessibility(hidden: true) modifier to prevent the voice over from reading it.
- Fix the steppers in BetterRest so that they read out useful information when the user adjusts their values.
In Project 4 - BetterRest, in Project.swift, added the .accessibility value in 2 points, one in the first stepper and in the picker, to announce the user the hours or the cups of coffee
- Do a full accessibility review of Moonshot – what changes do you need to make so that it’s fully accessible?
In Project 8 - MoonShot there is accessibility modifier for almost every view.