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You must update your local configuration files prior to using Deploy (see Configure)

Note: Depending on your version of docker you may need to run Docker Compose with or without the - hyphen

  • with: docker-compose ...
  • without: docker compose ... (documentation uses this version)

Choose your mode of operation

The portal can be run in three different modes depending on your use case

  1. Local Development - HTTP (local-dev)
  2. Local Development - with SSL (local-ssl)
  3. Production - all in Docker (docker)

1. Local Development - HTTP

Start at the main level of the repository

Load the environment variables into the shell

cd aerpaw-portal
source .env

Python virtual environment

Create the python virtual environment and install the required packages

virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

NOTE: -p /usr/local/bin/python3 - is the local path to the Python3 installation on my laptop and may be different on your platform

Bring up the database in docker

Update local docker images and start the database container

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Run the server application locally

The first time the server is run you will want to make database migration files and load existing database fixtures

  • --run-mode local-dev - runs the local Django development server
  • --make-migrations - generates the migration files that link the Django models to the Postgres database
  • --load-fixures - will load any fixture files found in the portal/apps/users/fixtures directory (only aerpaw_roles.json is present by default)
./ --run-mode local-dev --load-fixtures --make-migrations

At this point you should have a running portal at:

The newly deployed portal will not have any Users, Resources, etc.

If this the first time you've deployed the portal see First Run

2. Local Development - with SSL

Start at the main level of the repository

Load the environment variables into the shell

cd aerpaw-portal
source .env

Python virtual environment

Create the python virtual environment and install the required packages

virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

NOTE: -p /usr/local/bin/python3 - is the local path to the Python3 installation on my laptop and may be different on your platform

Bring up the database and nginx in docker

Update local docker images and start the database container

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

verify that the database and nginx are running

$ docker compose ps
NAME                COMMAND                  SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
portal-database     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   database            running   >5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp
portal-nginx        "/docker-entrypoint.…"   nginx               running   >80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::8443->443/tcp

Run the server application locally

The first time the server is run you will want to make database migration files and load existing database fixtures

  • --run-mode local-ssl - runs Django locally using uWSGI as the server
  • --make-migrations - generates the migration files that link the Django models to the Postgres database
  • --load-fixures - will load any fixture files found in the portal/apps/users/fixtures directory (only aerpaw_roles.json is present by default)
UWSGI_UID=$(id -u) UWSGI_GID=$(id -g) ./ --run-mode local-ssl --load-fixtures --make-migrations

At this point you should have a running portal at: or you can access it from which will automatically redirect to the HTTPS page due to Nginx

The first time you access the site you will see a warning regarding an untrusted SSL certificate, this is expected due to it being self-signed

Accept the risks and proceed to the portal main page

The newly deployed portal will not have any Users, Resources, etc.

If this the first time you've deployed the portal see First Run

3. Production - all in Docker

Start at the main level of the repository

Load the environment variables into the shell

cd aerpaw-portal

Because the Portal application stack is run entirely in Docker you will not need to import any environment variables or run application code on your local host.

Bring up the database, nginx and django in docker

Update local docker images and start the database container

docker compose pull

Build the django Docker image

docker compose build

Start the containers - this will take some time when first run as all the Python packages will need to be installed onto the django container

The first time the server is run you will want to make database migration files and load existing database fixtures

  • MAKE_MIGRATIONS=1 - generates the migration files that link the Django models to the Postgres database
  • LOAD_FIXTURES=1 - will load any fixture files found in the portal/apps/users/fixtures directory (only aerpaw_roles.json is present by default)
MAKE_MIGRATIONS=1 LOAD_FIXTURES=1 docker compose up -d

verify that the database, django and nginx containers are running - note that only the Nginx ports are exposed through the host

$ docker compose ps
NAME                COMMAND                  SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
portal-database     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   database            running             5432/tcp
portal-django       "/code/docker-entryp…"   django              running
portal-nginx        "/docker-entrypoint.…"   nginx               running   >80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::8443->443/tcp

At this point you should have a running portal at: or you can access it from which will automatically redirect to the HTTPS page due to Nginx

The first time you access the site you will see a warning regarding an untrusted SSL certificate, this is expected due to it being self-signed

Accept the risks and proceed to the portal main page

The newly deployed portal will not have any Users, Resources, etc.

If this the first time you've deployed the portal see First Run