From db8d6aa35aa28c47c3c6d49174cd3328c7b1538d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Moritz Guenther <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 15:45:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Update astropy citation in sample article

I feel that many users will just take the astropy citation from the sample
article since it's given in there already and not check the astropy
citation guidelines. Thus, this PR updates the example.
 sample/sample63.bib | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sample/sample63.tex | 32 ++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sample/sample63.bib b/sample/sample63.bib
index 0402ac9..bc194fa 100644
--- a/sample/sample63.bib
+++ b/sample/sample63.bib
@@ -31,6 +31,67 @@ @ARTICLE{2013A&A...558A..33A
       adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
+       author = {{Astropy Collaboration} and {Price-Whelan}, A.~M. and
+         {Sip{\H{o}}cz}, B.~M. and {G{\"u}nther}, H.~M. and {Lim}, P.~L. and
+         {Crawford}, S.~M. and {Conseil}, S. and {Shupe}, D.~L. and
+         {Craig}, M.~W. and {Dencheva}, N. and {Ginsburg}, A. and {Vand
+        erPlas}, J.~T. and {Bradley}, L.~D. and {P{\'e}rez-Su{\'a}rez}, D. and
+         {de Val-Borro}, M. and {Aldcroft}, T.~L. and {Cruz}, K.~L. and
+         {Robitaille}, T.~P. and {Tollerud}, E.~J. and {Ardelean}, C. and
+         {Babej}, T. and {Bach}, Y.~P. and {Bachetti}, M. and {Bakanov}, A.~V. and
+         {Bamford}, S.~P. and {Barentsen}, G. and {Barmby}, P. and
+         {Baumbach}, A. and {Berry}, K.~L. and {Biscani}, F. and {Boquien}, M. and
+         {Bostroem}, K.~A. and {Bouma}, L.~G. and {Brammer}, G.~B. and
+         {Bray}, E.~M. and {Breytenbach}, H. and {Buddelmeijer}, H. and
+         {Burke}, D.~J. and {Calderone}, G. and {Cano Rodr{\'\i}guez}, J.~L. and
+         {Cara}, M. and {Cardoso}, J.~V.~M. and {Cheedella}, S. and {Copin}, Y. and
+         {Corrales}, L. and {Crichton}, D. and {D'Avella}, D. and {Deil}, C. and
+         {Depagne}, {\'E}. and {Dietrich}, J.~P. and {Donath}, A. and
+         {Droettboom}, M. and {Earl}, N. and {Erben}, T. and {Fabbro}, S. and
+         {Ferreira}, L.~A. and {Finethy}, T. and {Fox}, R.~T. and
+         {Garrison}, L.~H. and {Gibbons}, S.~L.~J. and {Goldstein}, D.~A. and
+         {Gommers}, R. and {Greco}, J.~P. and {Greenfield}, P. and
+         {Groener}, A.~M. and {Grollier}, F. and {Hagen}, A. and {Hirst}, P. and
+         {Homeier}, D. and {Horton}, A.~J. and {Hosseinzadeh}, G. and {Hu}, L. and
+         {Hunkeler}, J.~S. and {Ivezi{\'c}}, {\v{Z}}. and {Jain}, A. and
+         {Jenness}, T. and {Kanarek}, G. and {Kendrew}, S. and {Kern}, N.~S. and
+         {Kerzendorf}, W.~E. and {Khvalko}, A. and {King}, J. and {Kirkby}, D. and
+         {Kulkarni}, A.~M. and {Kumar}, A. and {Lee}, A. and {Lenz}, D. and
+         {Littlefair}, S.~P. and {Ma}, Z. and {Macleod}, D.~M. and
+         {Mastropietro}, M. and {McCully}, C. and {Montagnac}, S. and
+         {Morris}, B.~M. and {Mueller}, M. and {Mumford}, S.~J. and {Muna}, D. and
+         {Murphy}, N.~A. and {Nelson}, S. and {Nguyen}, G.~H. and
+         {Ninan}, J.~P. and {N{\"o}the}, M. and {Ogaz}, S. and {Oh}, S. and
+         {Parejko}, J.~K. and {Parley}, N. and {Pascual}, S. and {Patil}, R. and
+         {Patil}, A.~A. and {Plunkett}, A.~L. and {Prochaska}, J.~X. and
+         {Rastogi}, T. and {Reddy Janga}, V. and {Sabater}, J. and
+         {Sakurikar}, P. and {Seifert}, M. and {Sherbert}, L.~E. and
+         {Sherwood-Taylor}, H. and {Shih}, A.~Y. and {Sick}, J. and
+         {Silbiger}, M.~T. and {Singanamalla}, S. and {Singer}, L.~P. and
+         {Sladen}, P.~H. and {Sooley}, K.~A. and {Sornarajah}, S. and
+         {Streicher}, O. and {Teuben}, P. and {Thomas}, S.~W. and
+         {Tremblay}, G.~R. and {Turner}, J.~E.~H. and {Terr{\'o}n}, V. and
+         {van Kerkwijk}, M.~H. and {de la Vega}, A. and {Watkins}, L.~L. and
+         {Weaver}, B.~A. and {Whitmore}, J.~B. and {Woillez}, J. and
+         {Zabalza}, V. and {Astropy Contributors}},
+        title = "{The Astropy Project: Building an Open-science Project and Status of the v2.0 Core Package}",
+      journal = {\aj},
+     keywords = {methods: data analysis, methods: miscellaneous, methods: statistical, reference systems, Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics},
+         year = 2018,
+        month = sep,
+       volume = {156},
+       number = {3},
+          eid = {123},
+        pages = {123},
+          doi = {10.3847/1538-3881/aabc4f},
+archivePrefix = {arXiv},
+       eprint = {1801.02634},
+ primaryClass = {astro-ph.IM},
+       adsurl = {},
+      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
        author = {{Bertin}, E. and {Arnouts}, S.},
         title = "{SExtractor: Software for source extraction.}",
diff --git a/sample/sample63.tex b/sample/sample63.tex
index a81a0ce..86251ba 100644
--- a/sample/sample63.tex
+++ b/sample/sample63.tex
@@ -952,21 +952,21 @@ \subsubsection{Animations \label{animation}}
-Animations and interactive figures (Section \ref{sec:interactive}) should 
-use the {\tt\string\begin{interactive}} environment in the figure call. This 
-places a blue border around the figure to indicate that the figure is 
-enhanced in the published HTML article. The
-command also serves to alert the publisher what files are used to generate
-the dynamic HTML content. {\tt\string\interactive} takes two arguments. The
-first details the type and currently only three are allowed. The types are
-{\tt\string js} for generic javascript interactive figures, 
-{\tt\string animation} for inline videos, and 
-{\tt\string timeseries} for interactive light curves produced
-by astropy \citet{2013A&A...558A..33A}\footnote{To be release in the 
-summer of 2019}. If these types are not provide the compiler will issue an
-error and quit. The second argument is the file that produces the enhanced
-feature in the HTML article.
+Animations and interactive figures (Section \ref{sec:interactive})
+should use the {\tt\string\begin{interactive}} environment in the
+figure call. This environment places a blue border around the figure
+to indicate that the figure is enhanced in the published HTML
+article. The command also serves to alert the publisher what files are
+used to generate the dynamic HTML content. {\tt\string\interactive}
+takes two arguments. The first details the type and currently only
+three are allowed. The types are {\tt\string js} for generic
+javascript interactive figures, {\tt\string animation} for inline
+videos, and {\tt\string timeseries} for interactive light curves
+produced by astropy
+\citet{2013A&A...558A..33A,2018AJ....156..123A}\footnote{To be release
+  in the summer of 2019}. If these types are not provide the compiler
+will issue an error and quit. The second argument is the file that
+produces the enhanced feature in the HTML article.
 \subsubsection{Interactive figures \label{sec:interactive}}
@@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ \section{Software and third party data repository citations} \label{sec:cite}
 %% the manuscript. Authors should list each code and include either a
 %% citation or url to the code inside ()s when available.
-\software{astropy \citep{2013A&A...558A..33A},  
+\software{astropy \citep{2013A&A...558A..33A,2018AJ....156..123A},  
           Cloudy \citep{2013RMxAA..49..137F}, 
           SExtractor \citep{1996A&AS..117..393B}