Parallel JP-EN corpora search combining multiple corpora. See here for credits for data sources.
Parse the data into CSV files. See here for more instructions.
Configure the compose file if needed.
docker compose up db
to first set up the database if it hasn't already. See here for information about the database.- Once the database is up, run
docker compose exec -it db psql -U postgres
to get to the postgres console. - Run
call copy_data();
to copy the data. This can be done everytime there's an update to the data, clearing existing data first. - If not all sources should be copied, supply an array of sources e.g.
call copy(array['basics']);
. - If new sources were added, run
docker compose exec db psql -U postgres -f docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/01-init.sql
to recreatecopy_data
- Once the database is up, run
docker compose up
for everything else.