WIP - Intitial and ROUGH instructions ... to be revised
- An existing service key with a corresponding user-provided service containig user/password in its credentials (ie: {"username: "[service-key-username]", "password": "[service-key-password]" )
##Instructions Cloud Foundry Environment
- Setup a user provided service to store credentials and configure credentials rotator cups [my-user-provided-service-name] -p '{"username":"[service-key-username]","password":"[service-key-password]","cloud_gov_service_account_key_guid":"[service-key-guid]","cloud_gov_service_account_key_name":"[service-key-name]","expire_in_days":"60"}'
Note: If you need to change the label of your user and password keys provide the values in attributes "password_label" and "username_label" and the username password keys should use the labels. For example: {"CF_TEST_USERNAME":"[service-key-password]","password":"[service-key-password]", "password_label":"CF_TEST_PASSWORD","username_label":"CF_TEST_USERNAME", ....}
If storing/updating user/password in CircleCi the following key/value pairs are required: {...., "circleci_endpoint":"https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github/[github-username]/[github-project-name]","circleci_token":"[circle-ci-api-token]", ...}
CircleCI Setup Add environment variables containing login details for Cloud Foundry API CF_API CF_TEST_USERNAME CF_TEST_PASSWORD CF_ORGANIZATION CF_SPACE
Update /.circleci/config.yml In the first jobs section add a command entry per user-provided-service/service-key you want to rotate:
run: name: Rotate the credentials for my servie command: ruby rotate_creds.rb my_service
Update the schedule section as appropriate