- ConsenSys/mythril-classic
- eth-sri/Securify: smart contract security scanner
- smartdec/smartcheck: static analysis
- slither a solidity static analysis framework
- TrailOfBits: Use our suite of Ethereum security tools
- TrailOfBits: How to prepare for a security review
- Publications from Trail of Bits
- Introducing Sonic: A Practical zk-SNARK with a Nearly Trustless Setup
- ZoKrates: A toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum
- Snarky: OCaml front-end for writing R1CS SNARKs
- Jsnark: A Java front-end for writing R1CS SNARKs
- scipr-lab/libsnark: C++ library for zkSNARKs
- scipr-lab/dizk: Java library for distributed zero knowledge proof systems